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Erica Sherlock earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Master’s degree in Education from Vanderbilt University. Her dedication to addressing the mental health needs of students led her to pursue a second Master’s degree in School Counseling from the University of LaVerne. With twenty-three years of experience teaching upper elementary and middle school students, Erica has seen firsthand the growing anxieties faced by today’s youth. Her passion for mindfulness and critical thinking motivated her to develop a daily curriculum that equips students with vital life skills. Inspired by her students and her lifelong dream of becoming an author, Erica's debut book, Through Quick and Quinn, draws on her extensive personal and professional experiences. When she isn’t writing, snuggling with her dog, or feeding all of the neighborhood critters, she is surely enjoying meaningful conversation with her family and close friends. Writer has not written anything about themselves.