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Lifelong Writer + Photographer + Friendship Champion + Off-Broadway Performer + Memoirist + Coffee Brand Owner Writer Stacy Smith Rogers discovered the power of community in a unique story of entrepreneurship, grief, and encouraging others to embrace challenges with strength, faith and boldness. She shares her mission through Stronger Girl Coffee and helps others tell their own brand stories. Here on Spoken, she's giving a voice to a variety of pieces of work that explore the shared human experience of love, loss, friendship and connection. Stacy hosts retreats, book clubs, adventure experiences for women and writing workshops. She’s also been known to rappel down an 18-story building for a good cause, and, in 2024, she made her off-Broadway storytelling debut in LoveNotes! in New York City. With aspirations to launch a podcast, publish a memoir, and deliver a Ted Talk in the near future, she is continuing to rise on her own stronger girl journey. To learn more, visit and