Back to the Patent Office: A Spoken Original Screenplay
In a thrilling twist, Doc Brown, Marty McFly, and Jennifer travel back to 1907, landing in Bern, Switzerland, where they encounter a young Albert Einstein. Doc Brown, fascinated by Einstein's genius, accidentally disrupts the timeline, causing a five-month delay in the discovery of general relativity. They quickly realize their intervention and must race to correct the timeline before it spirals out of control. This time-travengpade tests their understanding of the past, present, and future, leading to a captivating journey filled with scientific brilliance, historical encounters, and unexpected consequences. Comparable works include This story is similar to the original Back to the Future film series, with its blend of scientific exploration, historical intrigue, and comedic elements. It also echoes the themes of personal discovery, the power of invention, and the delicate balance of the past and present, similar to works by H.G. Wells, Ray Bradbury, and Isaac Asimov.