In the quaint English town of Newdon, a web of interconnected lives unravels, driven by a sinister obsession. Annie, a young woman navigating life's challenges, becomes the target of Gary, a man consumed by a warped desire for her mother, Alyson. As Gary's obsession escalates, Annie finds herself captive, facing psychological torment and physical abuse. Meanwhile, Alyson grapples with the emotional turmoil of her missing daughter and her husband Mark's accident, leading her to question the motives of those around her. The narrative unfolds with twists and turns, delving into the depths of obsession, the complexities of family relationships, and the chilling consequences of a hidden agenda. The story explores the emotional toll of trauma, the power of resilience, and the enduring search for truth, leaving readers on the edge of their seats as they question the boundaries of love and the dark side of human nature. Comparable works include Gone Girl