Awakening - Book 1 of Beyond Extinction
Del, an ordinary man battling chronic pain, finds himself unexpectedly chosen for a monumental task that could determine the fate of humanity. Through a series of mysterious events, he is selected by an enigmatic entity called the Overmind, which seeks to integrate Earth into a vast Galactic Collective. The Overmind has chosen Del as Earth's representative, and he is thrust into a series of trials, navigating strange realities, facing formidable challenges, and discovering hidden potential within himself. The story blends themes of self-discovery, survival, and the interconnectedness of life, as Del confronts the unknown with wit, resilience, and an unwavering feline companion. The journey unfolds across time and space, offering a unique blend of science fiction, adventure, and a touch of humor, leaving the reader pondering the true meaning of human potential on a cosmic scale. Comparable works include Ready Player One