Wyatt, a young Earth boy, is obsessed with Mars and dreams of traveling there. His mother supports his dreams, while his father, brother, and grandfather remain skeptical. One day, Wyatt is abducted by a group of Martian teenagers on a joyride, a mistake that lands him on Mars. There, he meets Herman, Bonnar, Carda, and Blaze, and befriends them. Wyatt learns that the Martians are not green as Earthlings believe, but blue-skinned. He also discovers that Herman's grandfather, Grandy, is his own grandfather's old friend, Bill Thomas. Grandy and Bill are both involved in a top-secret time travel project. Wyatt and Herman, together with the other Martian teenagers, embark on an adventure that involves time travel, a near-fatal oxygen deprivation incident, and a daring plan to return Wyatt home. While on Mars, Wyatt encounters a NASA helicopter and a dust storm, saving Grandy's grandson, Bonnar, in the process. In the end, Wyatt returns home to Earth, but not without a surprise. His mother, who was in a year-long coma, wakes up, revealing that her coma was a result of Grandy's use of a forcefield to ensure everyone retains their memories of the trip to Mars. The story explores themes of family, love, time travel, friendship, and the power of dreams. Comparable works include The Martian